Depends on the staff’s permissions level assigned by their Managers.
Always check your staff’s permissions tab and make sure the proper permissions are checked. If staff is still having problems, reach out to your QAC’s and the SSM team at:
Staff can invite a client into the portal by creating a + email that would be sent to the case worker’s inbox by linking the client’s name to their email. For example, if case worker John Smith wants an account for their client James Hamilton, they would input their clients email as, and the client can change their email after they create a personal email.
Make sure the email address is correct, then ask the client to check their spam or junk folder, and resend the password link. If this does not work, reach out to the SSM team for possible IT issues at:
At the end of the file box on the right-hand side you will see three dots (…). Click on those three dots and a download/delete drop down menu will appear. Then, click download.
When using Google Chrome, you can translate the portal into English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, and Punjabi using the Google Language button in the top right of the screen beside Search.

To read the page in another language, open the menu in the top right of your browser (the three vertical dots), then select Translate from the menu.

A box will appear at the top of the page to detect the language of the page. Select the menu from this box (three dots in the top right), and select Choose Another Language. Choose which language you would like to view the page in, then select Translate.

Possible reasons for getting that error may include: invalid characters in the file name such as symbols or using an unaccepted file extension, or too many characters for the file name.
Please visit
This document outlines the necessary steps for changing a client’s email address in the Job Portal, whether initiated by the client or by service provider staff. It also provides guidance for cases where the email address is incorrect or inaccessible to the client.
When a caseworker updates a client’s email address in the Job Portal, the following steps must be completed for the change to take effect:
- Initiate Change: The caseworker edits the email address in the client overview section.
- Client Confirmation: For the change to take effect, the client must:
- Click the link in the automated email they receive.
- Complete a new login using the updated email address.
Important Note: The client’s email address also serves as their username. This process ensures that the client is aware of the change and can still access the Job Portal. If the client does not click the link and complete the login, the updated email address will not take effect. This step-by-step confirmation process is crucial to maintain account security and ensure that clients are informed of changes to their account information.
Important Note: The client’s email address also serves as their username. This process ensures that the client is aware of the change and can still access the Job Portal. If the client does not click the link and complete the login, the updated email address will not take effect. This step-by-step confirmation process is crucial to maintain account security and ensure that clients are informed of changes to their account information.
Please review the document “Troubleshooting Missing Emails and the related Red Banner Message in the Job Portal,” through this link.
Yes, just click on the year 1966, and the drop-down menu will expand to include birthday years before 1966.
No, not at the present time, but this is being looking at. More information to follow.
No, the WREN portal is an invite only. The Workforce Development Boards are public and anyone can set up an account.
A client has two weeks to accept the portal invite. After that, another invite must be sent.
There are two reasons you may need to update a client’s email address in their profile. They may not have had an email at the time of registering and a ‘fake’ email was created for their account, or the email was changed or entered incorrectly. In either case, a caseworker can update their email address in the client’s profile. When the email is changed, an email will be sent to the client using this new email address, asking them to confirm the change by logging in to their account. The client will have to use the ORIGINAL email to log-in to their account and accept this change. This original email will be noted in the confirmation email to clients. If a client is new to the portal, this process may be done in assistance of their caseworker.
Please see a screenshot below of the email that will be sent to client’s when their email address is changed.

If you have clients that have more than one portal account and they are obsolete, please send a screenshot of the clients duplicated portal accounts using your people screen to the WREN Intake Team at The WREN Intake team will work with the SSM Administrator to handle these duplicates.
It can be either, if you can not link your clients to CaMS, reach out to the SSM team who will determine if it’s Portal related or CaMS related.
No, the system can not pull notes from CaMS or SaMS.
No, the case notes will always be in the Service Provider client’s portal, and if the client changes Service Providers, that new Service Provider will be able to see all previous case notes.
No, only resumes created in the resume builder can help build the cover letter in the portal.
No, even though the cover letter generator uses AI, the information is not collected or stored.
If you would like to provide a more skills-based resume, please follow these steps.
Go into the clients resume tab, click on “create a resume”, then name that resume “Resume on File”, then click “save & continue”. On the next screen just put in the person’s first and last name, click “save & continue”, then click “back to resumes”, exit out of that page, and that client’s name will be removed from the total of clients without a resume.