
Career Library

Professional occupations in applied sciences (except engineering)

This sub-major group comprises professional occupations in applied sciences, other than engineering, including architects, urban planners and land surveyors; mathematicians, statisticians, actuaries and data scientists; computer and information systems professionals; and computer, software and Web designers and developers.

2120 · Architects, urban planners and land surveyors
5 Jobs

This minor group comprises architects, landscape architects, urban and land use planners and land surveyors. They are employed by governments; architectural, engineering, construction, real estate development, natural resource, landscape consulting, and other consulting companies; land developers and land surveying establishments; and government environmental and development agencies; or they may be self-employed.

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2121 · Mathematicians, statisticians, actuaries and data scientists
1 Job

This minor group comprises mathematicians, statisticians, actuaries and data scientists. They are employed by universities, governments, bank and trust companies, insurance companies, pension benefit consulting firms, professional associations, science and engineering consulting firms, information technology consulting firms and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors.

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2122 · Computer and information systems professionals
14 Jobs

This minor group comprises computer and information systems professionals, including cybersecurity specialists, business systems specialists, information systems specialists, and database analysts and data administrators. They are employed by computer software development and information technology consulting, research and development companies; advertising agencies; and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors; or they may be self-employed.

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2123 · Computer, software and Web designers and developers
11 Jobs

This minor group comprises computer, software and Web designers and developers, including computer systems developers and programmers, software engineers and designers, software developers and programmers, Web designers, and Web developers and programmers. They are employed by computer software development and information technology consulting, research and development companies; advertising agencies; and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors; or they may be self-employed.

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