
Career Library

Technical occupations in life sciences

This minor group comprises technical occupations in life sciences, including biological technologists and technicians, agricultural and fish products inspectors, forestry technologists and technicians, conservation and fishery officers, and landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists. They are employed by governments and government agencies; manufacturers of food products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals; biotechnology, resource, utilities, environmental and other consulting companies; health, research, educational and other institutions; forestry and other industries; landscape designers and contractors, lawn service and tree care establishments, golf courses, nurseries and greenhouses; and municipal, provincial and national parks; or they may be self-employed.

22110 · Biological technologists and technicians
2 Jobs

Biological technologists and technicians provide technical support and services to scientists, engineers and other professionals working in fields such as agriculture, resource management, environmental protection, plant and animal biology, microbiology, cell and molecular biology and health sciences, or may work independently in these fields. They are employed in both laboratory and field settings by governments, manufacturers of food products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, biotechnology companies, health, research and educational institutions, environmental consulting companies, and resource and utilities companies.

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22111 · Agricultural and fish products inspectors
2 Jobs

Agricultural and fish products inspectors inspect agricultural and fish products for conformity to prescribed production, storage and transportation standards. They are employed by government departments and agencies and by private sector food processing companies. Supervisors of agricultural and fish products inspectors are also included in this unit group.

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22112 · Forestry technologists and technicians
0 Jobs

Forestry technologists and technicians may work independently or perform technical and supervisory functions in support of forestry research, forest management, forest harvesting, forest resource conservation and environmental protection. They are employed by the forest industry sector, provincial and federal governments, consulting firms, and other industries and institutions, or they may be self-employed.

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22113 · Conservation and fishery officers
0 Jobs

Conservation and fishery officers, inspectors and observers enforce federal and provincial regulations established for the protection of fish, wildlife and other natural resources and collect and relay information on resource management. They are employed by federal and provincial government departments.

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22114 · Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists
10 Jobs

Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists survey and assess landscapes; draw sketches and build models of landscape designs; construct and maintain gardens, parks, golf courses and other landscaped environments; advise clients on issues related to horticulture such as irrigation; breed, cultivate and study plants; and treat injured and diseased trees and plants. They are employed by landscape designers and contractors, lawn service and tree care establishments, golf courses, nurseries and greenhouses, and municipal, provincial and national parks, or they may be self-employed.

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