
Career Library

Technical inspectors and regulatory officers

This minor group comprises technical inspectors and regulatory officers, including non-destructive testers and inspectors; engineering inspectors and regulatory officers; occupational health and safety specialists; and construction inspectors. They are employed by quality control, maintenance and safety departments of manufacturing, processing, transportation, energy, and other companies; civil engineering consulting, architectural and construction companies; throughout the public and private sectors; and by private industrial inspection establishments; or they may be self-employed.

22230 · Non-destructive testers and inspectors
2 Jobs

Non-destructive testers and inspectors operate radiographic, ultrasonic, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current and similar testing equipment to detect discontinuities in objects of various compositions and materials. They are employed by quality control, maintenance and safety departments of manufacturing, processing, transportation, energy and other companies and by private industrial inspection establishments.

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22231 · Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers
1 Job

Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers inspect transportation vehicles such as aircraft, watercraft, automobiles and trucks and weighing and measuring devices such as scales and meters as well as industrial instruments, processes and equipment for conformity to government and industry standards and regulations. They are employed by government agencies and in the private sector.

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22232 · Occupational health and safety specialists
5 Jobs

Occupational health and safety specialists review, evaluate and monitor health and safety hazards and develop strategies to prevent, control and eliminate accidents and occupational injuries. They inspect the workplace environments, equipment and practices to ensure compliance with organization and government environment, health and safety standards and regulations. They are employed throughout the public and private sectors.

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22233 · Construction inspectors
1 Job

Construction inspectors inspect the construction and maintenance of new and existing buildings, bridges, highways and industrial construction to ensure that specifications and building codes are observed and monitor work site safety. They are employed by federal, provincial and municipal governments, construction companies, architectural and civil engineering consulting firms or they may be self-employed.

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