
Professional occupations in religion

National Occupation Code (NOC): 4154

Professionals in this unit group conduct religious services, administer the rites of a religious faith or denomination, provide spiritual and moral guidance and perform other functions associated with the practice of a religion. They perform these duties in churches, synagogues, temples or other places of worship. They may also work in other institutions such as schools, hospitals and prisons.

Job Duties for Professional occupations in religion

  • Conduct regular religious services
  • Administer rites of faiths such as marriages and funerals
  • Pray and promote spirituality by delivering sermons and other talks
  • Provide spiritual and moral guidance to members of a religious faith
  • Supervise, plan and administer programs of religious education
  • May participate in humanitarian endeavours and delivery of social services and welfare activities
  • May share in the administrative and financial operation of a religious community
  • May provide consultation services to government and other organizations.

Working Conditions for Professional occupations in religion

Work is performed in places of worship and their private quarters.

Alternate Job Titles

  • Archbishop
  • Archdeacon
  • Assistant Minister – Religion
  • Bishop
  • Cardinal
  • Chancellor – Religion
  • Chaplain
  • Clergyman/woman
  • Curate
  • Evangelist
  • Granthi
  • Imam
  • Minister
  • Minister – Religion
  • Moderator – Religion
  • Officiating Clergyman/woman
  • Parish Priest
  • Pastor
  • Preacher
  • Presbyter
  • Priest
  • Rabbi
  • Reverend
  • Salvation Army Commissioned Officer
  • Television Evangelist
  • Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator
  • Spiritual Care Practitioner
  • Incumbent For The Parish Of North Hastings

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